Playing Matchmaker

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So you've found a prospective adopter! Great! Now you have to figure out whether this adopter would be a good match for your foster dog.

If the adopter has already submitted an application to WAGS and been approved, then you have some information to use as a starting point. Review the application and see if anything sticks out as a potential source of concern or something you'd want clarified. Especially in the hubbub of a busy adoption event, the volunteers processing applications often don't have time to add an in-depth interview on top of the routine paperwork, so the burden falls on you to make sure that this is truly a good fit.

You're looking for three things, as Pam Green so neatly summarized in her article "Interviewing Prospective Adopters":

  1. Commitment to and responsibility for the dog
  2. Knowledge and understanding of the dog's needs and good caretaking practices
  3. Love for the dog

Most adopters are good people who want to do the right thing. They are, after all, applying to adopt a homeless dog instead of just buying one from a pet store. And they are applying for your particular foster dog because something about that dog connected with them. Please keep these things in mind; the adoption interview should not be an inquisition to see if these people are "worthy" or a hostile cross-examination geared toward finding and criticizing them about flaws in their dog-raising practices, but a cordial, no-pressure conversation that's just about getting to know one another.

Ask why they want a dog. Hopefully the answer will be something along the lines of "I want a close companion" or "to be a part of my family." Then ask what that means. What activities will the dog partake in? What would a day in this dog's life entail? Where would she sleep and eat? How many hours per day would she spend home alone, and how would she be kept out of trouble during that time? Most of this information should come out as the conversation flows naturally, but it may be helpful to keep a notepad and a checklist of questions to use as prompts if the need arises.

Find out if the adopter has other pets currently or has had them in the past. Not only do you want to be sure that your foster dog is going to be able to live safely and happily with any current companions, but you want to know how this person treated his or her pets in the past.

How long did this person have them? Watch out for adopters whose prior dogs mysteriously kept "running away," or were "uncontrollable," or are described in unduly disparaging terms. You want someone who shows clear love for his dogs, provided a stable life for them, and, if need be, arranged a gentle end in the twilight of their days rather than letting them suffer. How were they trained? Use of punishment-based training on prior dogs may not necessarily be a dealbreaker -- the revolution in positive training is relatively recent, and many people felt uncomfortable with older methods but used them because they were unaware of better alternatives -- but be wary of anyone who brags about using these methods, claims that the dog somehow deserved to be beaten into compliance, or is resistant to learning about positive training techniques. I once spoke to a prospective adopter who told me proudly about how he "broke the will" of his prior "untrainable" dog and hit her periodically to keep her obedient. He was not interested in hearing about other methods. Obviously, he did not go home with my dog.

Has the adopter been confronted with any medical or behavioral problems in other pets? Any bad habits? If so, how did the adopter address them? Look for evidence that this person is truly committed to his dog and worked to resolve any issues in a humane, effective manner. Not everyone can afford to spend thousands of dollars on medical treatment for a sick or injured dog, but you do want someone who undertook the measures they could afford.

On the behavioral/bad habit side, an overly permissive owner is not necessarily a bad match if your foster dog is extremely sweet and submissive, but would not be a good fit for a dog who needs more structure. Conversely, an owner who believes he needs to be a harsh, unforgiving "alpha" is not a good fit for any dog. And be wary of anyone who claims that previous dogs never had any health problems or annoying quirks. There is not a dog on the planet who hasn't at least pooped in the house or eaten a book once. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either lying or never paid a minute's attention to her dog.

In many cases, you will find yourself educating the prospective adopter about one issue or another. See how receptive they are to the information. In my experience, most adopters are eager to learn about dogs (although it can be a lot to absorb and many people are overwhelmed by the amount of information, which is one reason that I like to hand out a copy of Patricia McConnell's booklet Love Has No Age Limit with every adopted dog -- it's handy to have a hard copy that they can refer back to as needed!).